Science & Vision...
Real advances in science, not the seemingly endless daily discoveries of everyday press releases but real ground-shaking change, comes from the visionaries that are generalists. These are the people that are able to connect disparate facts or sciences, bring concerted attention to bear on common problems, and generate new ideas that answer questions we didn't even know we should ask.
Specialists, on the other hand, are too often reductio ad absurbum scientists who study, single-mindedly, phenomena on such a minute scale that if you ask them what organism they're studying, or why what they're doing should matter to the world, they simply can't tell you. Are they lacking vision? Or is it just curious occupational myopia?
From my point of view, great advances come from the researchers that are able to integrate miscellaneous factoids into a coherent whole. In other words, constructing a forest from trees, soil, topography, geography, chemistry & physics!
Ecology is, without doubt, a field for generalists who must be "jacks-of-all-trades and masters of none." But we learn more about how the world works, and about the things that really matter, from ecology.